




通讯地址:南京仙林大道163 号全球最大的赌钱网(亚洲)集团有限公司 







1994/9 - 1998/6 ,南京大学,大气科学系,学士 

1998/9 - 2001/6 ,南京大学,大气科学系,理学硕士,导师:蒋维楣  教授 

2001/9 - 2004/6 ,南京大学,大气科学系,理学博士,导师:蒋维楣  教授 



2004 -2005 年,浙江省气象科学研究所,工程师 

2005 -2007 年,美国Jackson State University  博士后访问学者 

2007 -2013 年,全球最大的赌钱网(亚洲)集团有限公司,副教授 

2013 至今       全球最大的赌钱网(亚洲)集团有限公司,教授,其中2013 9 -2014 2 月,英国雷丁大学(University of Reading ),访问学者 


2002   南京市科技进步二等奖(第7 完成人) 

2003  教育部自然科学奖二等奖(第3 完成人) 

2005  浙江省科技进步三等奖(第7 完成人) 

2016  教育部高校优秀科研成果奖自然科学奖二等奖(第2 完成人) 



国家自然科学基金面上项目、城市复杂下垫面通量观测的印痕分析模式研究、2020/01-2023/12 、项目负责人

国家重点研发计划、全球变化数据与云共享平台(第课题多源数据的不确定性对全球变化认知的影响)、2016/07-2021/01 、课题负责人 

国家重点研发计划、我国东部沿海大气复合污染天空地一体化监测技术(课题近海地基高分辨率观测与数据集成技术)、2016/07-2020/06 、骨干 

国家自然科学基金面上项目、城市大气边界层垂直通风机制研究、2017/01-2020/12 、项目负责人 

国家自然科学基金面上项目、长江三角洲城市大气边界层高度变化及其影响机制研究、2014/01-2017/12 、项目负责人 

国家自然科学基金重点项目、城市形态与城市微气候耦合机理与控制、2016/01-2020/12 、、骨干 

国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、南京城市下垫面中尺度通量的大涡模拟研究、2011/01-2013/12 、项目负责人 

国家重点基础研究发展规划(973 )项目、大尺度土地利用覆盖变化对区域气候影响的研究(第课题不同土地利用覆盖类型下地表—大气间物质能量和水分交换特征及大气边界层结构研究)、2011/01-2015/12 、骨干 

国家重点基础研究发展规划(973 )项目、我国东部沿海城市带的气候效应及对策研究(第课题城市群大气边界层和城市冠层的时空结构)、2010/01-2014/12 、骨干 


  1. Li, C., & Zhang, N. (2021). Analysis of the Daytime Urban Heat Island Mechanism in East China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(12), e2020JD034066. doi:https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD034066

  2. Sun, Y., Zhang, N., Miao, S., Kong, F., Zhang, Y., & Li, N. (2021). Urban Morphological Parameters of the Main Cities in China and Their Application in the WRF Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(8), e2020MS002382. doi:https://doi.org/10.1029/2020MS002382

  3. Zhang, Y., Ye, X., Wang, S., He, X., Dong, L., Zhang, N., . . . Xiao, Y. (2021). Large-eddy simulation of traffic-related air pollution at a very high resolution in a mega-city: evaluation against mobile sensors and insights for influencing factors. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(4), 2917-2929. doi:10.5194/acp-21-2917-2021

  4. Zhong, T., Zhang, N., & Lv, M. (2021). A Numerical Study of the Urban Green Roof and Cool Roof Strategies’ Effects on Boundary Layer Meteorology and Ozone Air Quality in a Megacity. Atmospheric Environment. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118702

  5. Hu, H., Zhao, Y., Zhang, N., Bai, H., & Chen, F. (2021). Local and remote forcing effects of oceanic eddies in the subtropical front zone on the mid-latitude atmosphere in Winter. Climate Dynamics. doi:10.1007/s00382-021-05877-8

  6. Wang, L., Li, D., Zhang, N., Sun, J., & Guo, W. (2020). Surface Urban Heat and Cool Islands and Their Drivers: An Observational Study in Nanjing, China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(12), 1987-2000. doi:10.1175/jamc-d-20-0089.1

  7. Wang, X., Liu, H., Miao, S., Wu, Q., Zhang, N., & Qiao, F. (2020). Effectiveness of Urban Hydrological Processes in Mitigating Urban Heat Island and Human Thermal Stress During a Heat Wave Event in Nanjing, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(24). doi:10.1029/2020jd033275

  8. Bai, H., Hu, H., Perrie, W., & Zhang, N. (2020). On the characteristics and climate effects of HV-WCP events over the Kuroshio SST front during wintertime. Climate Dynamics, 55(7-8), 2123-2148. doi:10.1007/s00382-020-05373-5

  9. Zhang, N., Yang, F., & Chen, Y. (2019). Implementation of a 2D Wavelet Method to Probe Mixed Layer Height Using Lidar Observations. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(14). doi:10.3390/ijerph16142516

  10. 李聪元, 杨帆, 张宁. (2018). 不同城市冠层模式对城市地表能量平衡模拟能力的检验. 南京大学学报.

  11. 赵亚芳, 张宁, 陈燕,朱焱. (2017). 环太湖地表城市热岛长期遥感资料分析. 高原气象, 36.

  12. Ao, X., Grimmond, C. S. B., Ward, H. C., Gabey, A. M., Tan, J., Yang, X.-Q., . . . Zhang, N. (2018). Evaluation of the Surface Urban Energy and Water Balance Scheme (SUEWS) at a Dense Urban Site in Shanghai: Sensitivity to Anthropogenic Heat and Irrigation. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19(12), 1983-2005. doi:10.1175/jhm-d-18-0057.1

  13. Chen, Y., & Zhang, N. (2018). Urban Heat Island Mitigation Effectiveness under Extreme Heat Conditions in the Suzhou–Wuxi–Changzhou Metropolitan Area, China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(2), 235-253. doi:10.1175/jamc-d-17-0101.1

  14. Chen, Y., Zhang, N., & Zhu, Y. (2019). High-Resolution Simulations of the Urban Thermal Climate in Suzhou City, China. Atmosphere, 10(3). doi:10.3390/atmos10030118

  15. Jiang, S., Hu, H., Zhang, N., Lei, L., & Bai, H. (2019). Multi-source forcing effects analysis using Liang–Kleeman information flow method and the community atmosphere model (CAM4.0). Climate Dynamics, 53(9-10), 6035-6053. doi:10.1007/s00382-019-04914-x

  16. Wang, X., Miao, S., Liu, H., Sun, J., Zhang, N., & Zou, J. (2019). Assessing the Impact of Urban Hydrological Processes on the Summertime Urban Climate in Nanjing Using the WRF Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(23), 12683-12707. doi:10.1029/2019jd030674

  17. Zhang, N., Chen, Y., Gao, H., & Luo, L. (2019). Influence of urban land cover data uncertainties on the numerical simulations of urbanization effects in the 2013 high-temperature episode in Eastern China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 138(3), 1715-1734. doi:10.1007/s00704-019-02926-5

  18. Zhang, N., Chen, Y., Luo, L., & Wang, Y. (2017). Effectiveness of Different Urban Heat Island Mitigation Methods and Their Regional Impacts. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18(11), 2991-3012. doi:10.1175/jhm-d-17-0049.1

  19. Zhang, N., Yang, F., & Chen, Y. (2019). Implementation of a 2D Wavelet Method to Probe Mixed Layer Height Using Lidar Observations. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(14). doi:10.3390/ijerph16142516

  20. Kong, F., W. Yan, G. Zheng, H. Yin, G. Cavan, W. Zhan, N. Zhang, and L. Cheng (2016), Retrieval of three-dimensional tree canopy and shade using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data to analyze the cooling effect of vegetation, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 217, 22-34, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.11.005. 

  21. Ning ZHANG, Y. D., Shiguang MIAO (2016). A Microscale Model for Air Pollutant Dispersion Simulation in Urban Areas: Presentation of the Model and Performance over a Single Building. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 33(2): 184-192. 

  22. Zhang, N., Y. Du, S. Miao and X. Fang (2016). Evaluation of a micro-scale wind model’s performance over realistic building clusters using wind tunnel experiments. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 33(8): 969-978. 

  23. Zhang, N., X. Wang, Y. Chen, W. Dai and X. Wang (2016). Numerical simulations on influence of urban land cover expansion and anthropogenic heat release on urban meteorological environment in Pearl River Delta. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 126(3): 469-479 

  24. Song, Y., H. Liu, X. Wang, N. Zhang, and J. Sun (2016), Numerical simulation of the impact of urban non-uniformity on precipitation, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33(6), 783-793 

  25.  吴炳方,高峰,何国金,张宁,曾红伟.2016.全球变化大数据的科学认知与云共享平台.遥感学报,20(6):1479-1484 

  26.  赵亚芳,张宁,陈燕,等. 苏锡常地区热岛观测与数值模拟研究. 气象科学,201636( 1) : 80-87 

  27.  杨富燕,张宁,朱莲芳,等. 2016. 基于激光雷达和微波辐射计观测确定混合层高度方法的比较[J. 高原气象,354):1102 1111 

  28.  程佳,张宁,朱焱,等.苏州城区大气边界层低空急流特征分析.气象科学,2016,36(6):843 848 

  29.  Zhang,N.,Z.Gao,Y.Liu,and D.Li(2015), “Sensitivity of a global climate model to the critical Richardson number in the boundary layer parameterization”, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 3310–3328, doi:10.1002/2014JD022015 

  30.  Zhang, N. and Y. Chen (2014). A Case Study of the Upwind Urbanization Influence on the Urban Heat Island Effects along the Suzhou–Wuxi Corridor. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53(2): 333-345. 

  31.  Zhang, N., X. Wang and Z. Peng (2014). Large-Eddy Simulation of Mesoscale Circulations Forced by Inhomogeneous Urban Heat Island. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 151(1): 179-194. 

  32.  Zhao, W., N. Zhang, J. Sun and J. Zou (2014). Evaluation and Parameter-Sensitivity Study of a Single-Layer Urban Canopy Model (SLUCM) with Measurements in Nanjing, China. Journal of Hydrometeorology 15(3): 1078-1090. 

  33.  Zhao, W., N. Zhang and J. Sun (2014). Spatiotemporal variations of cloud amount over the Yangtze River Delta, China. Journal of Meteorological Research 28(3): 371-380. 

  34.  Zhang, Y., Z. Gao, D. Li, Y. Li, N. Zhang, X. Zhao and J. Chen (2014). On the computation of planetary boundary-layer height using the bulk Richardson number method. GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT. 7(6): 2599-2611. 

  35.  赵晓辉,张宁*,李磊,(2013),建筑物影响下大气污染物扩散数值模拟方法的比较. 环境科学学报,337):1523 

  36.  杨健博; 刘红年; 费松; 张宁; 蒋维楣(2013),太湖湖陆风背景下的苏州城市化对城市热岛特征的影响 气象科学, 05, pp 473-484 

  37.  ZHANG Ning, CHEN Yan and ZHAO Wenjing (2012). Lidar and microwave radiometer observations of planetary boundary layer structure under light wind weather. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 6(1), doi:10.1117/1.JRS.6.063513 

  38.  ZHANG Ning, ZHU Lianfang and ZHU Yan,(2011),Urban heat island and boundary layer structures under hot weather synoptic conditions: A case study of Suzhou City, China ,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 28, Number 4, 855-865, DOI: 10.1007/s00376-010-0040-1 

  39.  ZHANG Li, LIU, Hongnian, ZHANG Ning, (2011), Impacts of internally and externally mixed anthropogenic sulfate and carbonaceous aerosols on East Asian climate, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2011, Volume 25, Number 5, Page 639 

  40.  赵文静, 张宁, 汤剑平 (2011) 长江三角洲城市带降水特征的卫星资料分析 高原气象 30:668-674 

  41.  杜云松,彭珍,张宁,宋丽莉,(2011) 南京地区一次降水过程湍流特征研究 南京大学学报(自然科学版) 47:44-59  

  42.  吕梦瑶,刘红年,张宁,蒋维楣 (2011) 南京市灰霾影响因子的数值模拟 高原气象 30:929-941 

  43.  宋迅殊 陈燕 张宁 (2011)城市发展对区域气象环境影响的数值模拟:以苏州为例 南京大学学报(自然科学版)47:11-23 

  44.  花杰;刘红年;张宁 (2010) 城市地区应急污染物扩散的模拟 ;安全与环境学报 04:220-218 

  45.  戎春波,朱莲芳,朱焱,刘红年,彭珍,张宁(2010). 城市热岛影响因子的数值模拟与统计分析研究,气候与环境研究,15(6):718-728 

  46.  蒋维楣,苗世光,张宁,刘红年,胡非,李磊,王咏薇,王成刚(2010). 城市气象与边界层数值模拟研究地球科学进展 25:463-473 

  47.  胡荣章 刘红年 张美根 张宁 (2010) 南京地区碳气溶胶的数值模拟研究。 中国粉尘技术 168-75 

  48.  C.S.B. Grimmond, M. Blackett, M.J. Best and J. Barlow et al. and ZHANG Ning, (2010).Initial results from Phase 2 of the international urban energy balance model comparison, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY,DOI: 10.1002/joc.2227 

  49.  Lei LI, Li-Jie ZHANG, Ning ZHANG, Fei Hu, Yin Jiang, Chun-Yi Xuan and Wei-Mei Jiang, (2010),Study on the micro-scale simulation of wind field over complex terrain by RAMS/FLUENT modeling system.Wind and Structures Vol. 13 No. 6, 519-528 

  50.  刘红年,张宁,吴涧,蒋维楣,(2010.水库对局地气候影响的数值模拟研究,云南大学学报(自然科学版):Vol.32:171-176 

  51.  李磊;张立杰;张宁;胡非;江崟;蒋维楣.(2010) FLUENT 在复杂地形风场精细模拟中的应用研究[ J] . 高原气象, 29( 3) : 621- 628 

  52.  ZHANG Ning, Gao Zhiqiu, Wang Xuemei and Chen Yan, (2010). Modeling the impact of urbanization on the local and regional climate in Yangtze River Delta, China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology 102(3-4):331-342. 

  53.  ZHANG Ning, Quinton L. Williams, and Heping Liu, (2010). Effects of Land-Surface Heterogeneity on Numerical Simulations of Mesoscale Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 102(3-4):307-317, DOI 10.1007/s00704-010-0268-9. 

  54.  C.S.B. Grimmond, M. Blackett, M.J. Best and J. Barlow et al. and ZHANG Ning, (2010). The International Urban Energy Balance Models Comparison Project: First results from Phase 1, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology Vol.49:1268-1292 

  55.  ZHANG Ning, W. M. Jiang, Zhiqiu Gao, Fie HU and Zhen PENG., (2009). Determination of Urban Surface Aerodynamic Characteristics Using Marquardt Method, Wind and Structures 12(3): 281-283. 

  56.  Chen, Y., W. M. Jiang, ZHANG Ning, He Xiaofeng and Zhou Rongwei, (2009). Numerical simulation of the anthropogenic heat effect on urban boundary layer structure, Theoretical and Applied Climatology 97(1): 123-134. 

  57.  蒋维楣,王咏薇,张 宁,城市陆面过程与边界层结构研究,2009,地球科学进展,Vol.24,  No.4:411-419 

  58.  苗世光,孙桂平,马 艳,徐晓亮,王晓云,林 行,蒋维楣,刘红年,张 宁,孙 林,王耀庭,(2009) 青岛奥帆赛高分辨率数值模式系统研制与应用,应用气象学报,Vol.20, No.3:370-37 

  59.  Zhang Ning, Jiang Weimei and Chen Yan, 2008, A Numerical Study of Urban Canopy Processes Influence on Local Climate, iCBBE: Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2008), May 16-18, Shanghai, China. 

  60.  Zhang Ning and Jiang Weimei, 2006, A Large Eddy Simulation on the Effect of Buildings on Atmospheric Pollutant Dispersion, Chinese Atmospheric Science, Vol.30, 361-371 

  61.  Zhang Ning, Jiang Weimei, Miao Shiguang.,2006, A Large Eddy Simulation on the Effect of Buildings on Urban Flows, Wind and Structure, Vol.9,23-36 

  62.  张宁、蒋维楣,2006,建筑物对大气污染物扩散影响的大涡模拟,大气科学,Vol.30,212-220 

  63.  Zhang Ning, Jiang Weimei, Hu Fei, 2004, Numerical Method Study of How Buildings Affect the Flow Characteristics of an Urban Canopy, Wind and Structures, Vol.7 ,159-172 

  64.  Fang Xiaoyi, Jiang Weimei, Miao Shiguang, Zhang Ning, Xu,M.,et al, 2004, The Multi-Scale Numerical Modeling System for Research on the Relationship between Urban Planning and Meteorological Environment,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.21,103-112 

  65.  房小怡,蒋维楣,吴涧,张宁,刘红年,徐天骄,2004, 城市空气质量数值预报系统及其应用,环境科学学报,Vol.24,111-115 

  66.  欧阳琰,蒋维楣,胡非,苗世光,张宁,2003, 城市小区环境流场及污染物扩散的风洞实验研究,南京大学学报(自然科学版)Vol.39,768-780 

  67.  张宁,蒋维楣,王晓云,2002, 城市街区与建筑物对气流特征影响的数值模拟研究,空气动力学学报,Vol.20,339-342 

  68.  苗世光,蒋维楣,王哓云,张宁,季崇萍,李炬,2002 ,城市小区气象与污染扩散数值模式的建立研究,环境科学学报,Vol.22478-483 

  69.  张宁,蒋维楣,胡非,2001, 利用k-ζ湍流能量闭合方法对城市街渠内气流结构的模拟,空气动力学学报,Vol.19,296-301 

  70.  张宁,蒋维楣,2000, 城市街渠内气流的数值模拟与分析,南京大学学报(自然科学版) Vol.36,758-772


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